Friday 7 December 2012

Diary for Unit 65 Assignment 2

23/10/12: Today’s lesson, we started to create our websites on Adobe Flash. We had to follow our ideas that we made for Assignment 1 and create them on flash.
By the end of the lesson, I will have created the outlining of my home page on Adobe Flash.
The image to the right is the starting ground of my first page. I managed to create the background, buttons and the title. I converted them all to their appropriate platforms too so they work on a website. By the end of this lesson, I managed to achieve quite a bit more than I expected. I expected to create the background and the title and that was it. But what I managed to create was the background, the title and several buttons which work already. The home button, which you can see to the left, I made so that when the mouse runs over it, it goes blurry. I did this with all of my buttons so it makes it look interactive. So basically I achieved more than I set out to do. To change my buttons to a button, it was something I never really got used to but I managed it. What I had to do was go to ‘modify’ then ‘convert to symbol’ in flash. Once I did that a menu appears. The menu is the one to the left. Basically for a button, you have to change the type to button, and name it something like ‘btn_ozbackpackers’ so you remember what it called for future uses.

25/10/12: Today’s lesson, we carried on with the same task of creating our websites in Adobe Flash. Today I will try and make my buttons click to make them go to another page and edit the title and buttons.

By the end of the lesson, I will have done all of my graphics. What I mean by this is creating the rollover button, filters and buttons when they button is pressed.

I have created two other pages including the ‘pics’ page and the ‘places’ page. I made the buttons click so they navigate to the next page.

06/11/12: Today’s lesson, I am going to make all of my pages navigate properly to the right page. All of my pages are navigating properly at the moment, but they aren’t navigating to the next page when I click onto another button. This is what I am going to fix and make work properly today.

By the end of the lesson, I have managed to make the buttons navigate to the correct page by using this method.

Firstly I changed the individual icons to a button. To do this I clicked the image and went to ‘modify’ then ‘convert to symbol’. Then a new pop up appears and makes you choice what you want to make your icon to. I chose to make my icon a ‘button’ so that I could
13/11/12: Today’s lesson, I started by linking all the pages together so the buttons work for each pages. The way I did this was different from everyone in the class because I have missed a few lessons, so I decided to do it the way I remembered in the first time we started to make websites.

To start, I clicked the button ‘home’ and made the actions for the button. To start, I right clicked the icon and clicked actions. The box appears which gives you the choice of what you want to do with the buttons. I started by clicking , ‘global functions; timeline control; go to’. What this does is when the button is clicked it does this function, which is when the button is pressed it does what I’ve told it to do. I then copied this function on each of the buttons to make sure this works on each of the scenes.

I then made different scenes for each of the buttons so they have their separate pages. To do this, I just copied the ‘pics’ scene and duplicated it. This is an easier process than doing the same thing over and over again, which takes up too much time. Once this is done, the buttons work properly.

I then had to make the buttons stop at the end of their scenes. To do this is I made a new layer on the timeline by clicking this button.

 This adds a new layer to the scene (doesn’t matter which scene) and I named it ‘actions’. I right clicked on the layer and clicked ‘actions’. This time I only clicked ‘stop’. This stops the layer meaning it wont move to another layer without you clicking another button.

I then copied this layer onto each of the scenes so the scene does exactly the same thing on each page without moving to another.
15/11/2012: Today’s lesson, I will be concentrating on putting all of the content on each of the pages, like images and pieces of work which are relevent to each piece of content.

To being with, I started by importing images onto the stage and library of the website. To do this I went to ‘file; import; import to library’. Once I did this, I just imported all of my images that I wanted to use into the library. The images are kept inside the library section which is here.

All of the images can just be dragged over and placed onto the stage.

But I wanted to change the images to movie clips so I could make an animation out of the images. To do this was just the same method that I used to convert the icons for my pages into buttons. I went to ‘modify; convert to symbol’.

Then the box to the left appears and gives you the option to change the thing to a graphic, a movie clip or a button. I chose movie clip because I want my pictures to have an animation. I did this to all my images so that they appear on the page at the same time.

20/11/12: Today’s lesson, I will add all of the contents onto all of the pages so that the webpage will work properly. I have been experiencing problems with connecting all of the pages over the last few lessons but I have fixed this problem now.
22/11/12: Today’s lesson, I am adding all the finishing touches to my website as its nearly finished. I spent quite a bit of the lesson trying to get scroll boxes on all of the text I am adding to each of the pages.

This was something which took me a while because it just didn’t want to work. First of all, I drew a text box which the text icon in the options to the right. Then, I drew the text box to however big I wanted it. I copied the text and pasted it into the box that I created. This is where the text went wrong. The next thing to do is change the text to a movie clip. This is something ive repeated several times before; its just ‘Modify; Convert to symbol; Movie Clip’.

The next thing I had to do was change the text from ‘Static text’ to ‘Dynamic text’. This meant that the text can be scrollable .

The next thing which I forgot to do was right click on the text and make the text ‘scrollable’.

This made the text scrollable now, but I still needed to add a scroll bar to make the text scroll. To do this I went to ‘Window’ at the top, and chose ‘Componants’, or you can just press ‘control’ and ‘F7’.

This box appears. Once it does, you double click the text box. This goes into the options for the movie clip of the text. You then choose ‘UIScrollBar’ and drag it onto the stage. This is where it wasn’t working.

I kept taking the scroll bar and putting it onto the place where I wanted it to work, but it wasn’t working whatsoever. I kept repeating this action but it still wasn’t working.

23/11/12: today’s lesson, I made the text on my ‘info’ page and put the texts onto all of the sections of the map on my ‘places’ page. I am almost finished with the entire website its just adding all of the finishing touches to all of the pages so it looks professional.

The main thing I had to do was adding all of the text from a document that was prepared before and add them to each of to the places on the map. Each one of the places in this Australian map has its own button and places added into it. This is so users can choose their own way around the website but also so they can choose their own place to go.

Once I did this the website was just about complete. I just needed to add all of the finishing touches like checking everything worked and making sure it was all ready to be set up. Next lesson I will finish off the assignment by completing the evaluation.

29/11/12: I have set up my website and it is all finished now. Its not perfect but its successful and its completed in the set amount of time that I had. I am happy with the result that I have when I finshed the website looks proffessional and well made.

To finish I have three lessons left to finish up everything on the assignment. This includes this diary which must be up to date from the first date to the final date. Without the diary the website is completely useless because it doesn’t show any evidence without it. Another is the website obviously. And the final thing is the evalution which must be completed by the last lesson on the Friday. But hopefully I will get the evaluation done by today.

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