Monday, 8 April 2013

Script for the presentation


Ben: As part of our creative media course we have been asked to create a Digital promotional film that could be used to help endorse and advertise the college, and particularly the creative media side of the college, on a variety of different delivery platforms.
Khalid: The content in the film will be showing actual teachers presenting the course to students so the audience has an understanding of what happens in the course. Along with this, the film will show off parts of the college from the library to the ICT centre. The film will be narrated over too to explain everything as it goes along.
In our promotional film, we will be showing parts of the college off in a film. This will be in a positive light to try and promote the BTEC creative media course. The content in the film will be showing actual teachers presenting the course to students so the audience has an understanding of what happens in the course. Along with this, the film will show off parts of the college from the library to the ICT centre.
Kallum:  We will also be showing students giving their opinion on the course. This obviously means that we will be interviewing students that are on the course and teachers that teach the course. The film will be narrated over too to explain everything as it goes along.
The target audience for the advertisement would be the people looking to study the subject or are interested in the college as a choice too. The advertisement would benefit the target audience as it will help them to decide whether this is the college for them and weather they feel that this is the course for them.
This advertisement will be age appropriate and will feature all the things that are expected by student looking for the college with what they need.
Ben: The resources we will be using to make our film will be very basic. Of course, we will be using a video camera to film the whole thing. We will also be using a microphone to record the narration that is going over the video.  The final thing we will be using will be obviously a computer to put the film together.
The budget for our creative media promotional film will be £1,000. We decided to go with £1,000 because it is an adequate amount for a small scale promotional film promoting the college course.
Khalid: We begin planning the promotional film. This involves creating the Backup plans, Brainstorms, Storyboards, and Scripts. We will then have a client meeting, and based on the choices we have in that meeting, we will make the appropriate changes to the script, storyboards, etc.  We will then start filming process.    This involves: finding locations for filming. Then starting and finishing the filming process.
Kallum: We will then have another client meeting, and again based on the choices/ changes made in that meeting will make the appropriate changes to the film. This includes editing and reshoots for some scenes if necessary. We will then have the final client meeting and then burn the film onto DVD’s, and upload the promotional film to college home page.
Any questions?

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