Friday, 26 October 2012

Structures of brief

Structure of Briefs
Contractual: a contractual brief is between both the client and the employees. The contractual brief explains the work duties required for a contract and the company’s scheme works. The contractual brief also explains how much the employee will receive for a contract, but also includes areas such as what the employee will be signing to. The contract must also include a liability insurance area so if anyone gets hurt the form will be there to help provide insurance. The contract must also contain price and payment term duties. A contractual brief is easy to read and simple to follow so the client can complete all of the details without any problems.

Negotiated: a negotiated brief is when two parties have different ideas for a brief but they have to come to a decision. They need to come to a decision by making both parties happy

Formal: a formal brief is a written document that contains specific information and details about the goals that need to be achieved. A formal brief doesn’t mess around with anything; it just gets straight to the point. This means it doesn’t contain any unnecessary details and information that wouldn’t be relevant. A formal brief is mainly aimed at a group of people or a business rather than a single person. That seems a little pointless to just send the brief to one person. A formal brief is not always a legal document though. You have no choice with a formal brief either; you have to follow the brief word for word.

Informal: an informal brief is another brief which is done face to face through something like a meeting. All structures of the brief must be suitable with all of the clients. An informal brief can be considered very unprofessional because of the methods it uses. This is due to the fact it’s something which is informal and quite relaxed. Normal briefs would be very strict.

Commission: a commission brief is when the client is commissioned to complete a set of tasks assigned to the brief.

Competition: a competition brief is a document that includes instructions to clients that are participating in a competition. The brief outline is set in different headings to make the instructions easier to understand.

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